Ignite Youth Ministry
Our heart in the FECG Youth ministries is to come alongside young people and help them stand with growing faith in their relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and to strengthen them to stand firm in the timeless truth of the Biblically-revealed Christianity. Adolescence is a period of transition and change for both teens and their families and we desire to see the whole family strengthened and encouraged as our youth grow towards maturity in Christ.
In our youth ministries we desire to win our young people to Christ, build them towards spiritual maturity, and send them out into the world, established in the love of God and equipped for every good work. It is our heart to minister to young people with the joy of the Lord and help them, walk out their spiritual journey with Jesus through whatever difficulties and pressures life may bring. We believe every person is important regardless of giftings, talents, or abilities, and strive to be a community in which all members are valued and affirmed.
Purpose Statement
We exist to WORSHIP God together in authentic and dynamic relationship, to REACH out in love to those around us, to CONNECT with other loving Christians, to help one another GROW in Christ and DISCOVER who God as made us to be.
Youth Ministries (Grades 6-12)
SUNDAY YOUTH SERVICE 9:30 AM in the Aux Chapel 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS 11:00 AM in CE Rooms 204-205