Visiting FECG
Here's a little of what to expect when you visit us.
We are a diverse, multi-lingual, church family following Jesus together. We welcome English, Mandarin, and Cantonese speaking people of all generations. Our desire is to grow in our love for Jesus through word, worship, prayer, community and ministry in order to impact the world for His glory and renown.
Sunday Worship Service
We have worship services in English (9:30 AM), Cantonese (9:30 AM), and Mandarin (11:30 AM). Our Children’s Ministry (Preschool - 5th Grade) meets at 9:30 AM the CMC building. Currently, our Youth (6th-12th Grades) join the English service for worship, followed by Youth Sunday School. Once a month there is Youth Sunday Worship in the Aux Chapel.
Continue to enjoy fellowshipping with one another by joining us for a church-hosted lunch at 12:00 PM served in the basement Fellowship Hall below the Main Sanctuary!
What ministries are there for children and youth?
We welcome you to come worship together as a whole family. We also offer age specific ministries from toddlers on up to young adults.
We deeply value ministry to whole families and have programs and community groups focused on different life stages: Infants / Toddlers / Children / Youth / College / Young Adults / Adults
FECG sees its foremost ministry as a ministry to families. Our Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Youth, Family Life, and Children's ministries together work to provide a well-rounded program of preaching, teaching, caring, fellowship, and outreach so that each member of the family can find meaningful and deep fellowship.
Our church is located in west Glendale on Broadway just west of Pacific Avenue, near the intersection of the 5 and 134 Freeways. If you are driving on the 5 Freeway use the Colorado Street exit, and from the 134 Freeway use the Pacific Avenue exit.
Where can I park?
Parking spots can fill up quickly so we encourage you to arrive a little early to have enough time to find a space and walk to church.
The church parking spaces on site are limited.
Street parking is also often available west of church on Broadway and in the residential neighborhood north of church on Wilson and Kenilworth Avenues.
Church Lot Tandem Parking
We have stacked parking in the east parking lot. If you park on the inner space it may be difficult to leave before 1:00 pm. If you park behind someone in one of the tandem spaces be sure to leave a note with your name and phone number on the dash of your vehicle so you can be reached if your car needs to be moved.
Be Safe
Be careful not to jaywalk across the portion of street in front of the church. From the west please carefully cross Broadway at the Kenilworth "T" intersection or at Pacific Ave. with the traffic light.
What do people wear?
People dress casually. Jeans and sneakers are pretty typical for the younger members. A few ties and sports coats are seen also.