Lifegroups & Fellowships


Lifegroups are intentional communities that desire to know Jesus intimately.  Meeting several times a month in homes, we build community with each other through accountability, prayer, and Bible studies.  Our groups are often inter-generational and dynamic in nature with multiplication as our vision.  Through lifegroups, we desire to be active participants in God's missional plan for all peoples.  Lifegroups meet on different days of the week in different locales.


Fellowship groups are larger communities who share similar life stages.  Each group has a unique flavor, but all focus on equipping people to grow in Christ through authentic community and biblical teaching.  Groups meet 2-3 times a month in homes and at church.  We offer fellowship groups for all ages:  youth, college, adult, seniors.

Current Lifegroups


StreamTree [Zoom] 7:00 pm
We welcome anyone who would like to grow in Jesus, like a tree by a life-giving stream, through the Word, prayer, sharing and helping others.


Trellis Women [Zoom] 8:00 pm
We are a small group of women who desire to grow closer to God and one another through different Bible, book, and video studies. We seek to encourage one another and pray for one another as we journey through life together.


SOPAS [San Gabriel Valley] 6:30 pm
We are an intergenerational group that loves to gather around food and learn about the Word in a relatable and genuine way. We usually have a themed potluck dinner followed by Bible or video study sessions. Our name comes from the city we usually meet in, South Pasadena, and our love for food, in this case, Mexican tortilla sandwiches. Thus, SOPAS!   

Activate [Glendale] 6:00 pm
We are an intergenerational community intent on learning together how to live in God’s abundance and grace.

Oasis 6:30-9:00 pm


Ohana [member’s home] 6:00 pm
Ohana means family in Hawaiian. Our group consists of families with young children from ages 3-11 years old. The adults typically meet twice a month for study and prayer after English Worship service on Sundays while the children are in Sunday School. We will also have monthly family outings.


Agape [Zoom] 7:30 pm, in-person quarterly
Agape was founded in 1986 by Filipino-Chinese believers with the purpose of studying the Bible together, supporting each other in prayer, and reaching out to the unchurched.

Current Fellowships

Trellis Women’s Ministry


We seek to connect women from all stages of life by cultivating a safe, welcoming space to grow in our love for God, to practice authentic love for one another and to spur each other on to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus

Our mission is threefold: 

  • Love God by pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus who shows us how to live meaningful, hope-filled lives while remaining deeply rooted in the Father's love and in His Word.

  • Love others by committing to purposeful listening and sharing of hearts where authenticity and identity are valued.  

  • Reach out by empowering each other in utilizing our gifts and talents to serve and reach others for Jesus outside of our church walls.

Our Regular Activities Include:

Quarterly themed meetings, WeConnect meals and get-togethers for small groups of sisters several times a year, Sunday School classes and weekly to bi-montly discipleship triad as well as away-retreats.

Agape Fellowship [1st & 3rd Saturdays@ 7:30 PM]

Agape was founded in 1986 by Filipino-Chinese believers with the purpose of studying the Bible together, supporting each other in prayer, and reaching out to the unchurched.

Lifespring [1st & 3rd fridays @ 10 AM]

Lifespring Fellowship is tailored for adults 60 and over. Our hope is that we grow in “body and soul” as we get older. We are serious about knowing God’s Word, and we invite guest speakers to share on a variet of topics. Fellowship is very important at Lifespring. We usually meet on the first, second and third Fridays. Our meetings focus on encouraging each other to stay healthy in our relationship with God, with others and with ourselves. We pray with one another, learn together, do fitness together, go on interesting field trips and discover ways to encourage each other to continue to stay enthusiastic learners who follow hard after God’s heart. Though our regular gatherings are conducted in English, we have representation from all three language speaking congregations from our church.

Koinonia [once a month on Saturdays]

We are seasoned Christians who have journeyed together for decades, through victories and defeats and have seen how the Lord remains faithful. Our hope is for people to come as they are and to share openly knowing that no judgment will be passed.

Renovare Fellowship [Every other Saturday @ 2:00 pm]

While we are an “older” group, we are intergenerational with members of varying ages and life stages! Our fellowship seeks intentional growth in spiritual formation and in becoming more like Jesus. We desire to follow Him in the power of the Spirit, offering caring support and prayer for one another, and outreach to others.

Alpha [varies]

Alpha is a series of group meetings for people looking to create a safe space for conversations about faith. The evening typically starts with a potluck meal followed by a 25-minute video. After the video, the hosts will lead a discussion where you can share your thoughts about life and faith and hear from others in the group!