Sunday Worship Service 9:30 AM

Join us Sunday mornings as we come together to worship God with songs,
study the Bible, and create space for the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts in prayer.

This sunday’s MESSAGE

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BELONG to the Father

We are His sons and daughters. We belong to this local community of believers.

BECOME like Jesus

We want to become more like Jesus in how we think, act, speak, and love. We are to designed to reflect Jesus to those around us.

GIVE of ourselves

As we become more like Jesus, we will discover a desire to give back to God, the church, and the world of our time, energy, talent, resources, and more.

GO in the power of the Holy Spirit

As we follow Jesus, we will hear Him calling us to go across the street, aisle, cubicle, city, country and around the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.