Welcome to Children's Ministries!


Our heart at FECG is for children to know God's love and care for them, and receive wise instruction in God's ways through their own parents and by the Christian community. Our Children's Ministries offer a loving environment where children can learn about Jesus' love and grace. Our Sunday School and Kid's Worship times incorporate bible discovery, teaching, memory work, crafts and skill development at a developmentally-appropriate level of understanding.

Classes are hosted in the Children's Ministries Center [CMC] located in its own building in the souther portion of our campus.  Preschool through Grade 5 (ages 2-11) meet in their respective grade level groups for Morning Sunday School and Children's Church. 

In-Person Sunday Schedule (TODDLERS - grade 5)

  • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM - Morning Service

  • 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM - Break / Snack Time

  • 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM - Musical Worship

  • 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM - Sunday school Lessons

  • 12:00 PM - Check-Out Time / Lunch with Parents (English Congregation)

  • 12:45 PM - Check-Out Time / Lunch with Parents (Mandarin Congregation)

Additional CMC Safety Measures:

  1. Check-in to the CMC will be conducted at the entranceway to the building.

  2. Children will be asked to sanitize their hands before entering and supplied with wipes to use thereafter.

  3. Parents will not be permitted to enter the building (with an exception for parents of Toddlers if there is a need).

  4. Please bring a water bottle for your child for the morning.

  5. Each child will be supplied with a personal box of supplies (e.g., pencils, glue, scissors, crayons, etc.) for the morning.

  6. The Nursery (for children under 2 years old) will not be available until further notice.

We would like to ask that you please be helpful in maintaining a safe and comfortable environment as we transition into in-person ministries. If you our your child are not feeling well, we'd appreciate if you would please refrain from attending in-person. Thank you.