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Work as GlobaLocal Mission 2021

  • First Evangelical Church Glendale 522 West Broadway Glendale, CA, 91204 United States (map)

The pandemic has disrupted our normal way of life.  One of them is how we work. Many of us had to work at home rather than at the office, were laid off from work completely, or somewhere in between.  Many of us working at home discover a new meaning of an integrated home and work life.  We discovered that the former success driven, hurried work life is something not worth returning to. Some questions we may have are: What are the metrics for a more meaningful work life? How can I live out my Christian values and shape my work environment?  How can I leverage remote and digital platforms for God’s good? 

These are some of the questions which the coming free online conference “Work as Global Local Mission” Conference on 9/18 9am- 3pm will be answering.  Go Live Serve in partnership with other organizations have lined up top notch leaders to discuss the topic of Work as Mission.  

Our church FECG will be hosting an in-person watch party at the Aux Chapel with small group discussion time included. You are welcome to join us! An In-N-Out burger lunch will be provided.  Join the entire conference or part time. Please register for the conference at

If you want to join us for lunch at church for the conference please RSVP to me. 

Peter Lam


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