Thursday, Oct 1
Being Neighborly: Serving Foundation Intl & Beliebe Berlin
7:30-8:30 pm - Zoom Sharing by Berlin Outreach Team and Serving Foundation Int’l.
God calls us to be neighborly and in this unprecedented time in history, sharing God's love and hope is even more urgent. Come listen to our community members who have continued to bless the nations this season! Please register below so we have a headcount as who is attending!
(Registration closes on Wednesday, September 30)
Friday, Oct 2
"Who is My Neighbor?" with Dr. Thien Doan
7:30-8:45 pm - Worship & Message
8:45-9:00 pm - Zoom Q&A with Pastor Thien
(Registration for Q&A closes on Thursday, October 1)
Thien Doan was originally born in Saigon, Vietnam, and immigrated to the United States of America at the age of one. He grew up in a half Buddhist and half Catholic family. Difficult childhood experiences led him to find God as a teenager. After experiencing a radical conversion, he entered into ministry. He is a graduate of Bible College and of Talbot Theological Seminary, Biola University (MDiv), and earned a Doctorate in Ministry in May 2017.
Thien has been working in the area of church planting in various roles for more than a decade. He has personally planted three churches in Southern California and worked as an assessor, coach, consultant, and strategist for several church planting organizations including the Acts 29 Network, Southern Baptist Convention, Evangelical Free Churches of America, and the LaunchStrong / Multiply Network. For the past 6 years, he has invested in training pastors and church planters in his native country of Vietnam.
He is a sought after speaker and has spoken and lectured at conferences and universities for The Gospel Coalition, Biola University, Golden Gate Theological Seminary, Acts 29 Network, The Reformed Church of America, and the Union University of California. Currently, he is the Lead Pastor of Citylights Church in Little Saigon, Orange County, which is among the first church plants targeting one of the least-reached people groups in North America.
Thien and his wife Kerry have been married for 20 years and have three children and live in Fountain Valley, California.
Sunday, Oct 4
"Becoming a better neighbor" with Dr. Thien Doan
9:45-11:00 am Sunday Service